it has been an extremely rough night for me do to some ass wipe at the bar that has no clue of the hell I have been through while I was in the war if anyone wants to chat to distract me me from tue ignorant heartless things that were said to me tonight it would be much appreciated inbox me or call at 4097893056...
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Can I get just one damn night were I can sleep in peace FUCK PTSD and all the bull shit th goes with it!!!
For some reason I am in an unusually good mood and feeling extremely happy and I don't know why but I could definitely get use to it considering I have been feeling very depressed due to some rough nights and flashbacks caused by my PTSD
damn it why the fuck can't I go one fucking day without having to relive the nightmare I faced in the war is one fucking night of peaceful sleep to much to ask
damn it why the fuck can't I go one fucking day without having to relive the nightmare I faced in the war is one fucking night of peaceful sleep to much to ask
hell ya the Daytona 500 is about to start
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone never in my life have I found a place so loving and accepting of who I am and what I stand for like SG I finally found a place were I can be me and I thank and love you all for that and I look forward to making many new friends here and I wish...
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nice job all calling out the fake ranger I was in the Navy and I can't stand it when people fly false flags
I just got to say I LOVE SELFIE SUNDAYS!!
These long lonely nights are really getting old I am tired of being depressed every night I wish I could find a lovely lady help change all this :(