Something really good happened on saturday. I went to possibly the most stuck up house wife silk screen printing class with my aunt on Saturday. She hates my tattoos as does my mother and constantly says "oh but they are aweful" blah blah blah.. i dont tell her i think her choice of clothes are repugnant or that I think she sings like a drowning rat, but I digress, she was so angry when i took off my jumper and just wore my t-shirt so that my tattoo was visable. I thought oh here we go, she said "oh she got in trouble for that isn't it horrible" so invited comments towards me-she is my family, what the fuck was she doing, anyway, they all said "wow that's beautiful, you must have put a lot of thought into that" and all came to have a look! It was amazing! I was really chuffed to think that these prim and proper ladies liked my tattoos! It was great and what's more my aunt was pissed coz they all liked it!
Hope you all had a good weekend.
God it felt fucking good!
Over and out x
Hope you all had a good weekend.
God it felt fucking good!
Over and out x
I've done a wee bit of travelling and sightseeing and yep I'm still at a school! It's hectic but there's no point having it any other way! It keeps me outta trouble :p
Any plans to go to France?
That is a great story, it's kind of nice when some one is trying to make a full out of you and end up making a full of themselves instead.