OK. Last night I was surfing the web for all manner of jobs. Now I am an HR Officer at the moment which pays ok, and I've done it for a year or so..but its lame and I want to do something worthwhile or fun. I have applied to be an events organiser at this club which looks cool and they called me today to speak about it..not bad I thought! Well I also realised that I want to be a primary school teacher or a nursery nurse, basically i want to piss about all day with kids painting and making stuff with playdough and get covered in dirt..AND GET PAID FOR IT!
Unfortunately i can't find anywhere that will take you unless you have at least 2 years experience or qualifications. I cant really afford to be re training coz i have a fucking mortgage and coz ive already been to UNI I wont get any help with fees...so im thinking night school. Plus I also wanted to be a masseuse, but that costs like 1500! Just for the course,so fuck that for a game of soldiers!I just hate going to work knowing that nothing i do matters to anyone except the money grabbing bosses! I want to do something that helps other people.I know it wont pay as well..but that doesnt really matter. I d love to get up in the morning and WANT to be at work!
Sorry what a rant..but i amslowly going insane at my work. I sat in my office just staring out the window today for about 20 minutes withought realising..so then i took some pics of myself on my phone to pass another couple..then i went for toast..then i went into town for lunch..put some dosh in the bank then walked around aimlessly..its so CRAP! i want to run away!
Luckily..2morrow Im off to see my boyfriend who makes all this worth suffering. I feel so much better when i get a text or email from him when im at work coz its just such a good distraction!
Well Im going to be quite drunk tomorrow and hopefully i wont dance on a table and act like too much of a pratt...but who can tell.
I need to apply for some more care type jobbies now on t'internet and listen to Alice in Chains while I lie in the bath and soak in some suds and relax...
I get to leave work early tomorrow to see inkedcraig thank the lord and then i can get the bestest cuddles in the world all night and ill get to kiss the most luscious lips on the earth..bar mine of course
Adios amigos, while I go and enjoy my relaxing bath time
Till next time
Sorry to go on about it but isn't he just absolutly gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately i can't find anywhere that will take you unless you have at least 2 years experience or qualifications. I cant really afford to be re training coz i have a fucking mortgage and coz ive already been to UNI I wont get any help with fees...so im thinking night school. Plus I also wanted to be a masseuse, but that costs like 1500! Just for the course,so fuck that for a game of soldiers!I just hate going to work knowing that nothing i do matters to anyone except the money grabbing bosses! I want to do something that helps other people.I know it wont pay as well..but that doesnt really matter. I d love to get up in the morning and WANT to be at work!
Sorry what a rant..but i amslowly going insane at my work. I sat in my office just staring out the window today for about 20 minutes withought realising..so then i took some pics of myself on my phone to pass another couple..then i went for toast..then i went into town for lunch..put some dosh in the bank then walked around aimlessly..its so CRAP! i want to run away!
Luckily..2morrow Im off to see my boyfriend who makes all this worth suffering. I feel so much better when i get a text or email from him when im at work coz its just such a good distraction!
Well Im going to be quite drunk tomorrow and hopefully i wont dance on a table and act like too much of a pratt...but who can tell.
I need to apply for some more care type jobbies now on t'internet and listen to Alice in Chains while I lie in the bath and soak in some suds and relax...
I get to leave work early tomorrow to see inkedcraig thank the lord and then i can get the bestest cuddles in the world all night and ill get to kiss the most luscious lips on the earth..bar mine of course

Adios amigos, while I go and enjoy my relaxing bath time
Till next time
Sorry to go on about it but isn't he just absolutly gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You sound really happy, now find a good job and life will be sweet!