OK here we go ----------- this is a very good article, I wish it to be given to everyone, people can learn a lot, it means a lot to me also for the reason I'm on anti depressants, and have been for nearly 6 years in June, I've been told by my Dr. that I'm not coming off them, and that played with my mind and still has it's moments, I've been getting this on and off since child hood, and it's very hard for people to understand, unless you experience it, you shouldn't be judging others, not everyone is lucky to have the right chemical mix or the right back ground etc, it's tough, I've ended up with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I use to have a active life, now I spend most of my time in bed, as I easily get tired after doing something, most people take for granted, and it's a vicious circle, due to this illness, it takes you further down the depression path! I think my Dr. doesn't give me a serious name for it, just so not to make it even worse, but that's just my feeling, I hope people get educated, and do so soon, we are all a part of this world, and we should be united for the better! ----------- I can say that this comment was on Care 2 and I agree that anti depressants can be worse than the problem I`ve seen it first hand !!!!!!!!!!!!! :