When bad luck runs it runs long . Di and I have been getting kick when were down. She so down i really worry. After 22yr`s and has never had a right up the new derictor who been with the commpeney 20yr. and still can`t even run a till or tairn people .Fired her and is trying to get read of some other long term employes .Like di`s friend Jo. Thes to girles know there jobs and work hard . Borth are very good looking and do the work most of the bitch boss I gess is not bad looking but favers fat an the unatractive ons which is most of the crue. they are lazy and most don`t do there jobs. the people takeing the jobs will never mack as mucy money .IF they close down they won`t get servrencs pay like would have. Di did not get that either. This rote a 7 page letter and blacked her unemployment. Di has MS and has been beind treated for anzity stres,and panict attes. The bitch sed that that no reasen to miss work . She and her donoththing crue did thing to triger thes tnings Jo has turnd up with canser she and di were be treated like shit , wrer told in frount of custmers that they are being wasted for steeling ,Jo even brokdwon in the check staned . Di an Jo would never do that .they have both been ther from the start 20yr. an mady all most $19 .00 an Hr. I`ve been off about 4+s yr`s for several disabiltes an coudn`t get help I had to much money.I had to almost spend about a year to relearn to walk, do to exstremem swelling ,toss in ADHD BIOLAR,a life time of extream sleep disoder they started me on nebutal in the 3rd, grade, and to top it off I develpov a fast tolerrcic for then . I was also haveing meany formes of pyicec experinces alot of out bodythings and knowing thing befour they happend .the Dr. said thing happen but they didn`t know that type of thing. leter in ife I foun that it help me in gamblen. I never mess a days work in 26yrs but the typs of dsylexea made life hell . after looseing 60,000.00in 1 1/2 yers I just keep trying in november I hope to get my ebay store gooing I have been build up stock most Gems I love them yet I don`t were then I gotten very good at getting deals I got betwen 25,000 & 30,000 $ in cut Gems I also have uncut stones . I also want to have art in shop so let me know what you have and will see what happens. I hope to here from you eoho Ilike your work. Goth and off the walls , pottery, is cool to.The differend the odd as long as its good, I`ve hade real sanzosa LSD befor it was made illaeil so I see thing`s differnetly.And think on not how bad the are but how to fix it .I also have a learnd and seemed to grasp thing other can`t. mMost in the grasp in sex even when i was yougn older popel just seemED to know.But most with the girels and esple with by and hard core men heaters?? Deruogatory thing toward wemen I heat I bartened about 10yr.s Men are pids the worst think there stude I`am short nothting speecil in loos and poor. Alot of the guys didn
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