I bulk cook my meals and freeze them. eight bolognese and six lamb stew. This week I made the stew, however I was a little tired of frying the bones and other remainders. So I decided to turn them into a soup along with potatoes, brussel sprouts, onions and peas which turned out to be quite tasty and added three additional meals of soup. The brussel sprouts I'd bought to cook for a weekend meal. Food Experimentation FTW!
More Blogs
Yesterday I put in my resignation to the CEO of the company I work … -
* Does a little Dance.... no, a lot of Dance! *
I got offered a position in Auckland which I have accepted. It is m… -
Things are currently looking up....
So far my first couple of applications just seemed to disappear, bu… -
Puppetry and Packing
So one of my favourite shows of the last couple of years "Thunderbo… -
It's the little things....
Yesterday I went into the CBD to collect comics, DVD's and Books. I… -
"The Golden Circle"
I enjoyed it but not as much as the original. Found two new anim… -
.... returned to work
I bussed in the first day and had a dizzy spell on the bus when ret… -
The Perfect Roast....
.... doesn't just involve cooking the pork perfectly and getting g… -
.... made it all the way through "Fringe". I have "Legion" to watc… -
After the Trip
So one of the things I got hooked on while in NZ was "Fringe". The …