Hmmmm.... hadn't been paying attention. So I finished playing the latest chapters of "Breathedge", hit over 1100 hours of Conan Exiles and have started playing The Witcher 3 again, this time on Death-march. I've also bought multiple games under the cost of $NZ20 looking for new/interesting (failing abysmally obviously)
Watched all of "The Expanse" season 3. One of the streaming sites which has been consistently providing me with Anime I like hasn't this season whereas another which has been inconsistent has provided a number of entertaining Anime.
Picked up new responsibilities at work. I'm not comfortable with them being a tech/prog-oriented guy rather than a socially-oriented team leader
#Edit: Finished some books. I recommend "Angel Mage" by Garth Nix to anyone who likes fantasy novels.