I bussed in the first day and had a dizzy spell on the bus when returning home. I think it was caused by dehydration causing a blood pressure drop.... I think! It could also have been low blood sugar but there's no way to tell and the last time they checked I went through a battery of tests with no diagnosis. I had another small episode on Thusrday night but haven't had anything since. I really need to drink more non-alcohol liquids and eat regularly/properly. I mean I'm sure I drink enough and eat properly in general but when it's hot or I have a runny nose I don't change how much I drink and sometimes I miss food because I'm running late. Both of those two together and it might tip the balance.
I am also back on the Fallout4 crack. I left because it became boring but I decided to go Survival mode and it seems to be more fun, it certainly takes more thought and prep in game.