And today I have a tale to tell. So I woke up and had to do nightly ablutions. Tha usually happens somewhere between 1AM and 3AM and can often happen twice. So as I exited the room the doorbell went off, I grabbed the keys and opened the door to a guy standing in the cold. Half asleep and thinking it was for my housemate, I let him in and walked down the hallway to the bathroom.
My housemate came out to see what was going on, and seeing a stranger asked him who he was and how he knew me. He answered with his name and a very confused "I don't". We ended up entertaining a poor lost stranger at 5:30AM in the morning (I had gotten up at 5:25 AM apparently) and giving him a cup of tea and directions to his actual destination after a lot of initial confusion by all parties.
I'm still suppressing post-paranoia though as my RPG-brain posits possible ways this could have a deliberate scam for getting information on the insides of the house and residents.