Firstly, I should say that I think that Garuda Airlines was top-notch, but I really didn't like paying to get through two of the airports when transferring.
I just love England, for many reasons, weather, scenery, accents, history, temperature. Of course my tastes are a little skewed, I understand why people who want sun and warmth prefer other places, but I happen to like rain and cold. Not that it was particularly rainy while I was there, no more than two days out of seven. Wifi is everywhere but I had a little trouble with it and a prepaid phone account. Given the Ubiquity of FB I never thought about posting anywhere else regarding the trip, at least till today. I managed to get some access to the 'net once a day though.
Hmmm.... I really need to update that representative photo, I've just realised how old it is.