Worst weekend I've had in a while. Yesterday I woke with a headache which stayed with me all day. Today it added nausea, light sensitivity and swimming eyes (basically involuntary eye movements from side to side, similar to goldfish tails while swimming). I didn't really recover enough to become active until 4PM. I've finally finished most of my chores but that doesn't leave me much...
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Hope you are ok
Yeah I've recovered.... I'm fine to go and work LOL

Held the first of a regular weekly Drafting Training Meeting. Went well, I think. Made a booking with a carsharing site but the vehicle was sideswiped prior to my usage and the booking had to be cancelled. Have finished four books since the previous post.


Sometimes I get the feeling Customs aren't trying. All of my stored stuff from Perth reached Auckland a week early. It appears to have passed customs in a couple of days (or maybe hours?). It was supposed to arrive in port at the end of this week and should take a couple of weeks to go through customs. I'll take custody a week Friday to...
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So my company passed our second accreditation for a triple ISO standard, Environment, Quality and Health&Safety. The first time it's been done in NZ :). I got a special mention by the external Auditor because I wrote the QA Manual ;). * does a little dance *


I read both graphic novels of the comics quite some time ago. I thought they were interesting. The conversion to video media on Netflix has been addictive binge-worthy episodes. I mean I only watch things when eating or cooking (in order not to burn food, make computer equipment tacky or let the food get cold) so when I watch something and it holds my attention...
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Nice! As a big fan of the graphic novels and Gerard Way I’m curious to see how the series turned out for myself.
I'm enjoying it and it's more comprehensible than the GN where certain jumps confused me. There's only one part I'm not happy with but I understand the why of the change.

So today we released a finished version of the companies QA Manual. Start to Finish, it took five weeks. This was partly because we kept it very simple, partly because there was interest in setting it up and partly because I pushed hard. The other two manuals took months. It still needs polish of course just like the two manuals and the Tips and tricks...
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Actually I've only been playing "Conan:Exiles". I am officially an Addict as, since I got it four weeks ago, I have played 150 hours of it with only 83 hours in the three working weeks. That's 67 hours on holiday and 27 hours a week thereafter. I had to enact my Cooking Game Protocol though as I came very close to burning a pre-cooked meal...
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Very light week. So light, I got bored enough to write two meeting discussion documents and arrange a meeting about one of them. Part of the problem was that some people I need to consult with are still on leave. The People I rent from pulled a "rent inspection this week" item. I didn't have time for a heavy clean so I tidied everything and...
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Conan:Exiles has been out for a while now but I thought it was a MMO. It was on Steam sale at 50% so I decided to give it another look and found it was acually Single/Multi-co-op Player. It's sort of fun and I'm getting more addicted to it than any of the others. :).


Since it is actually my favourite game at the moment. So I set the Fleet to explore one of the Sectors while I took my new medium ship, a Frigate, out and about. Originally, I thought that they were junk ships but when I looked more closely I saw they had the high speed of a scout with more powerful shields, weapons turrets and 2...
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1) played several hours of Mutant Year Zero: Return to Eden.

2) Played several hours of Pathfinder:Kingmaker from a fresh beginning

3) Played over 30 hours of X4:Foundations. Built a Fleet but not any stations (I suppose I should mine the credits to do that)

4) Spent the Christmas day afternoon and evening with family

5) Finished a full season of one anime (season...
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....Mutant Year Zero:RTE. Fun Tactical but a bit restictive to me. I doesn't help that I've watched the demo play-through. After an hour I stopped (I had to go for a blood test and buy a joystick). I played a couple of hours of X4 on Saturday trying to get the joystick to work without success (It tests fine but is non-responsive in game). I...
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