Okay I just had the best weekend ever! So I met this girl on Xbox, for our purposes we'll use her gamertag Sugar Tush, and it turns out we've got a ton in common. So we decide it's time for a little adventure. I drove up to Maryland and got a hotel room for a weekend of movies, video games, and debauchery. Needless to say the movies and video games kinda didn't happen as much as we were thinking, but the debauchery completely took the reigns. I was actually given permission to brag about this. Apparently it's possible to give a woman an orgasm through her ear, an eargasm if you will. Totally didn't know about this, but dammit I sure as hell accomplished it!
Maybe watching porn can help guys last longer but you need to experiment if you want to keep a lady happy.

Sounds awesome! I believe it's possible.