Still working hard on those SG drawings, but I thought it might be time to toss up some of the newer stuff I've done.
This little guy has some serious problems to say the least.
I know not everyone likes clowns(hell some people are even scared of 'em) but how can you not love a drunken clown?
Who says Old McDonald worked on his farm all by himself?
Ok, really, who doesn't like monkeys, c'mon!?
Next week I finally get to head on down to Alabama to see my lady. This long distance bullshit was old a long time ago, but hopefully(fingers crossed) I can find a job and apartment when I go down to visit. Oh and we get to go pick up Marty, our pitbull buddy, from doggy boot-camp too!! He had some issues with small furry animals and wanting to eat them.
Now he's better apparently and I can't wait to see the little shit. Guess that's all for now. I'll be back shortly with more of the SG series.

This little guy has some serious problems to say the least.

I know not everyone likes clowns(hell some people are even scared of 'em) but how can you not love a drunken clown?

Who says Old McDonald worked on his farm all by himself?

Ok, really, who doesn't like monkeys, c'mon!?
Next week I finally get to head on down to Alabama to see my lady. This long distance bullshit was old a long time ago, but hopefully(fingers crossed) I can find a job and apartment when I go down to visit. Oh and we get to go pick up Marty, our pitbull buddy, from doggy boot-camp too!! He had some issues with small furry animals and wanting to eat them.

Thank you sweety
Im glad you liked it 

You gotta do one of Radeo