So I thought while I was working on the nest few additions to my SG set of drawings I'd whore myself a bit. These a few samplings of my artwork that I've done for a few different projects, the main one being the story that's evolved in my head since I was in high school. If there's a way to compare it to anything(without sounding like too much of a conceded asshole) it would be my version of a rockstar's hit song. If I can get my story about my man Graff out there then I think I can really make something out of myself and my artwork, Hope you all enjoy! Oh and if you feel like supporting a starving artist you should head over to my Online Store where you can get actual prints and some kick ass t-shirts! Anyshits, here's the art.

i just had no clue people actually noticed the minibar sentences until your comment and some messages so I was just making sure i was on the same page as you.