So I haven't been too active on here lately, but this is gonna change shortly. I'm working hard on my suicide girls set of drawings. I made a few promises to some lovely ladies on here to get theirs done first, but I am looking to do more so if you have any requests I'm open to them. Don't think I'll be charging anything for them, but I am a starving artist so I guess I should say that any donations are greatly appreciated. God now I sound like a bad show flyer. Anyways keep an eye out, your pic might be tossed up here soon.
WOOKiE's Online Store
(Also I still gotta whore myself a bit so here's my store. Take a look, maybe you'll find something you like.)

WOOKiE's Online Store
(Also I still gotta whore myself a bit so here's my store. Take a look, maybe you'll find something you like.)

Thank you so much for nothing the mood. It is very appricaitive. I just found out that a good friend passed away and it is just bizarre and hasnt hit me yet.

wow i meant noting the mood not nothing hahah sorry...