Hmmm, my friends list sems to be a turning a horrible grey colour. This doesn't bode well for this update.
It hasn't been a good few weeks - I'm currently recovering from the mumps, which I not only had around the neck, but also my groin. When i first heard that mumps can cause impotence and infertility, I started to worry, in fact I'm still worried.
Well it all seems to have cleared up, but because i couldn't eat or sleep properly for almost a fortnight, I've lost around a stone in weight, and considering I only weighed slightly over 11 stone to begin with, it's not a good thing. Gotta try and bulk up now, which won't be easy since my thyroxine dosage was increased just before I fell ill. By speeding up my metabolism even more, putting on weight will now be more difficult.
And I didn't get that job in Bristol, which is a bugger. It's a very strange feeling now. September has arrived and i have nothing to do or look forward to in the next few weeks.
So begins the rest of my life . . . . . .
It hasn't been a good few weeks - I'm currently recovering from the mumps, which I not only had around the neck, but also my groin. When i first heard that mumps can cause impotence and infertility, I started to worry, in fact I'm still worried.

Well it all seems to have cleared up, but because i couldn't eat or sleep properly for almost a fortnight, I've lost around a stone in weight, and considering I only weighed slightly over 11 stone to begin with, it's not a good thing. Gotta try and bulk up now, which won't be easy since my thyroxine dosage was increased just before I fell ill. By speeding up my metabolism even more, putting on weight will now be more difficult.
And I didn't get that job in Bristol, which is a bugger. It's a very strange feeling now. September has arrived and i have nothing to do or look forward to in the next few weeks.
So begins the rest of my life . . . . . .
Sorry about the job thing and glad the mumps cleared up. It's quite tough trying to find out what to do after uni but it will get better, you've just got to be proactive and make sure it gets better sooner rather than later.
Don't worry about gaining weight, if it comes, it comes, if not, nevermind.