I know Vixen's doing a challenge as well, but how about this. Come up with incredibly boring essay titles.
Can you beat the likes of:
The success behind the illegal distribution of pot purri from Turkmenistan: an alternative theory?
Good luck - smilies for the best ones!!!
Can you beat the likes of:
The success behind the illegal distribution of pot purri from Turkmenistan: an alternative theory?
Good luck - smilies for the best ones!!!
Hahaha, I can give you essay titles, thing is, i found all of mine fascinating! Great to meet you the last night,shame we didn't find a decent place to drink, might of been stupider, but i guess seeing as it was the first time we'd met we couldn't expect everything.

hehe hope you're not feeling too nad today
don't be scared, lol! it was great meeting you last night - we'll have to do it again sometime soon