I put good 'ol Frog up as a placeholder until I can get a few more interesting pics of yours truly up around here.

Not much news. Still a bit melancholy, though I'm not sure why.

I really want to find someone to take with me when I got see Wicked in a few weeks.
Eh. Updated my picture. Sasuke-kun is a poor substitute for my lovely visage.

I'm feeling a bit better than I was yesterday, as well. To be honest, I never cease to be amazed by the healing power of videogames. Dorky as it may sound.

After some Mario Kart DS interspersed with cruising some of my old haunts out here in CO, I was able to...
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Haven't been on in a while, but I'll share with you all what's been going on in some of my other blogs -

Well, another day, another frantic leap for internet access when it becomes available to me. This is getting ridiculous.

Actually, life is pretty ridiculous right now, in general. I hate my apartment. I hate my job. I hate myself. I've turned into...
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This journal post was like I was reading my thoughts...


I'm still in a state of shock, and I don't know what to say really.

"I've turned into this bitter, resentful, jealous thing. I have very little drive. I wake up every morning, tell my alarm clock to go fuck itself and then proceed to do the barest minimum required until I can fall back asleep and escape reality. I knew this was going to be hard. I knew this was going to be a trial. I didn't know that I'd be losing bits of myself along the way.

"All that aside, I'm struggling and I'm struggling hard. I'm plagued by te notion that leaving Colorado (Detroit) was not my best idea. I had it really good there..."



I'm in a kinda weird mood... I don't really know how to express to you how reading this journal has touched me...

Just know it has.
Well, I'm very glad to have found a kindred spirit. Likewise, I know what its like to read something (usually a blog) and not be able to find the write words. It means an immense amount to me, though, that it meant even a little something to you.

So, you know...go us... confused
Ahh. Finally, internet. It won't last, I know, but its good to have for the few days that we'll be celebrating Winter-een-mas early.

LAN parties rule.

So, here's the update -

-Still no prospects for internet at the apartment.
-I miss posting here and chatting with all my friends on SG (old and new)
-Winter-een-mas is early this year and I have a bunch of...
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I'm not dead yet, but without internet I may as well be. Soon... Soon...
that is not dead...which can eternal find ways onto the internet. smile
Quick Update -

Going to look at a new apartment tomorrow. Hopefully it will work out and I can get moved in soon (with internet of my very own!). Work's going good. Got a DS. Soul Calibur III owns my...uhh...well...soul.

Not much else. Been in a melancholy mood, but I have not the time to elaborate just yet. Later all.
ooooo the Naruto seal, ay? Thats awesome. Can't wait to see it - gonna be on ur stomach?

Gaara would win.
I think I'm in love.
{[contented sigh]}

I love the city.

I love the rain.

I love the city in the rain.

I was downtown for work again today, but luckily it was an easier day today than yesterday. I finally got some time to sift through everything that happened this past weekend and everything that's supposed to happen this coming weekend. I haven't quite made sense of it all...
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Next year, for certain, I'm going to attend all of Reactor. My entire weekend was soured because I tried to just get away with going Friday. I'm such a dunce. I missed out on some great guests, panels and cosplay pics.

Oh well. Live and learn.

The weekend wasn't a complete loss, anyway. I got to meet some cool people and pic up some nifty...
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