Feeling a lot better today. Had na easy day at work. Was able to talk my bank into refunding some of the ridiculous fees that were leveled against me. Went to the CLC library and printed out all the tax forms I need. AND, I was able to purchase lunch-making supplies. Hopefully this'll help me save a few bucks and ensure that I'm eating a little bit healthier ^_^;;.
Overall a very productive day, I'd say.
I'm a little depressed to admit that I really don't have the money to pick up Kingdom Hearts II tomorrow. Sad, I know. Maybe next week. Besides, I started playing Planescape: Torment tonight and I think that'll tide me over quite nicely.
And if that doesn't do it, the the barrage of cleaning that I've been putting off should. How I let my place get this messy, I'll never comprehend, but I must put a stop to it this week. Depending on how things pan out with Dad this weekend (he might be heading out this way for a visit), I hope to get at least the kitchen done, if not the whole apartment. Living on your own has its upsides - eating cookies for dinner and walking around naked at your leisure come readily to mind - but this whole not having someone to clean up after me has got to go.
Maybe I'll apply for a helper-monkey...that I can BATTLE!
Overall a very productive day, I'd say.
I'm a little depressed to admit that I really don't have the money to pick up Kingdom Hearts II tomorrow. Sad, I know. Maybe next week. Besides, I started playing Planescape: Torment tonight and I think that'll tide me over quite nicely.
And if that doesn't do it, the the barrage of cleaning that I've been putting off should. How I let my place get this messy, I'll never comprehend, but I must put a stop to it this week. Depending on how things pan out with Dad this weekend (he might be heading out this way for a visit), I hope to get at least the kitchen done, if not the whole apartment. Living on your own has its upsides - eating cookies for dinner and walking around naked at your leisure come readily to mind - but this whole not having someone to clean up after me has got to go.
Maybe I'll apply for a helper-monkey...that I can BATTLE!