Thursday Aug 18, 2005 Aug 18, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email You didn't go to Disneyland tonight, and if you did, chances are you didn't go on Bug's Life in DCA....and if you did that, there is no way in hell you had as much fun as we did. VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS lilviciousone: I'm hoping for rest rest rest...but not. It's our friend's bday tomorrow...and I usually make a day of getting ready for Sunday dinner every week. On the up and up...our almost 3 yr old makes it interesting Aug 19, 2005 lilviciousone: I might've missed this in the group...but what adjustments did you make in terms of diet? Aug 19, 2005
It's our friend's bday tomorrow...and I usually make a day of getting ready for Sunday dinner every week.
On the up and up...our almost 3 yr old makes it interesting