I'm down to the last 20 pages (yay!) before I have to go back and edit the previous ones (boooo), and I think this whole work-till-5am-wake-up-at-8am-eat-one-meal-a-day lifestyle is starting to catch up to me. I'm sick like a sucka.
So today, FUCK YOU, PAPERS. I'ma curl up into a ball and wish I had someone to curl up with, watch some old movies (Dark Crystal is screaming my name), maybe eat some more...either way, the paper can wait. I'll hate myself tomorrow, but damn, I'm done with this shit for now.
I'm down to the last 20 pages (yay!) before I have to go back and edit the previous ones (boooo), and I think this whole work-till-5am-wake-up-at-8am-eat-one-meal-a-day lifestyle is starting to catch up to me. I'm sick like a sucka.
So today, FUCK YOU, PAPERS. I'ma curl up into a ball and wish I had someone to curl up with, watch some old movies (Dark Crystal is screaming my name), maybe eat some more...either way, the paper can wait. I'll hate myself tomorrow, but damn, I'm done with this shit for now.

I hate papers tho.