I loves me the white stuff!
The Animation Show detritus was pretty awesome. Intermission was quirky and bizzarre, everything I'd expect from Bitter Films and Mr. Doug. Dougy. Digdug.
Snow is good. Snow is very good. Frolick frolick frolick! Yay.
So the final paper of my college career will be about suicide and martyrdom. The differences in perception and motivation, the similarities, the trick of defining them and how the world has used that trick with regards to the "suicide bombers" of Palestine and the like.
If you have any experience, let's talk. I'll treat you to a hot drink at a local watering hole.
Hell, I'll do that if you're reading this and you find yourself somewhere between Chicago and Milwaukee.
Yeah, when I'm not educating my ass off, I'm bored as hell.....

PS: Pure Madness in a Case Mod...
[Edited on Dec 02, 2005 11:02AM]
[Edited on Dec 05, 2005 10:45AM]