The Decemberists own my soul...
Mad Scientist's Log, Stardate 9227
I have done it! They laughed at me! They said it was impossible! They mocked me and chided me and ran me out of town with pointy sticks that sometimes were on fire. But I have proven them all wrong! Today, I stand triumphant atop an impassable Everest of you-shouldn't-play-God-s, and I laugh at them all!
I have created The Ultimate Emoticon!
See, it's a happy little piggy! I had to raid human graves for weeks to create this great achievement of mankind, and I have done it! I have done it! I AM A GENIUS! My assisant Egon thinks so, too!
-- Sincerely, Professor Honeydew
Mad Scientist's Log, Stardate 9228
I had to kill my emoticon yesterday. It was speaking of me as a father, and seeking friendship. It was a hideous abomination, and those townsfolk were damn right to run me out of town with their sharp and/or flaming things. I am a monster. I created a monster, reflecting my own twisted ambition. I killed it with my own hands. And then I turned it into sausages and bacon.
I was very hungry, and bacon is a meat for all meals. Bacon is, like Jesus, God's only son, a messenger from celestial realms in crispy form. The Canadian Blasphemey of Bacon shows just how unholy and corrupt those strange people from the northwoods truly are.
-- Love, Professor Honeydew
Mad Scientist's Log, Stardate 7
I think my stardometer is broke...
Either that or I have just penetrated time and space! Wait, let's say I've just penetrated time and space. Because that will look much better when I try to justify my $100 million grant money to the Society for Adorable Emoticons.
-- Best Wishes, Professor Honeydew.
Mad Scientist's Log, Stardate 9229
Meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep. Meep, meep meep, meep meep. "Meep?" meep meep. "Meep meep meep meep! MEEEEEP!"
Meep meep meep! Meep!
-- Meep, Beaker

Mad Scientist's Log, Stardate 9227
I have done it! They laughed at me! They said it was impossible! They mocked me and chided me and ran me out of town with pointy sticks that sometimes were on fire. But I have proven them all wrong! Today, I stand triumphant atop an impassable Everest of you-shouldn't-play-God-s, and I laugh at them all!
I have created The Ultimate Emoticon!
See, it's a happy little piggy! I had to raid human graves for weeks to create this great achievement of mankind, and I have done it! I have done it! I AM A GENIUS! My assisant Egon thinks so, too!
-- Sincerely, Professor Honeydew

Mad Scientist's Log, Stardate 9228
I had to kill my emoticon yesterday. It was speaking of me as a father, and seeking friendship. It was a hideous abomination, and those townsfolk were damn right to run me out of town with their sharp and/or flaming things. I am a monster. I created a monster, reflecting my own twisted ambition. I killed it with my own hands. And then I turned it into sausages and bacon.

I was very hungry, and bacon is a meat for all meals. Bacon is, like Jesus, God's only son, a messenger from celestial realms in crispy form. The Canadian Blasphemey of Bacon shows just how unholy and corrupt those strange people from the northwoods truly are.
-- Love, Professor Honeydew
Mad Scientist's Log, Stardate 7
I think my stardometer is broke...
Either that or I have just penetrated time and space! Wait, let's say I've just penetrated time and space. Because that will look much better when I try to justify my $100 million grant money to the Society for Adorable Emoticons.
-- Best Wishes, Professor Honeydew.
Mad Scientist's Log, Stardate 9229
Meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep meep. Meep, meep meep, meep meep. "Meep?" meep meep. "Meep meep meep meep! MEEEEEP!"
Meep meep meep! Meep!
-- Meep, Beaker

Seriously, ask any one of them what reasons they have for hating anyone and most of them will rehash some programmed litany, or repeat something they've supposedly heard, seen, read, etc. But very few have any genuine gripes.
So an intelligent response has the effect of spotlighting the individual within some societal mob mentality, forcing them to evaluate their personal situation and see if there's any real hatred there. Many will decide to just retreat into the safety of their preconceptions, but some will have the courage to try and see through the overly obvious to catch a glimpse of the reality beneath it all.
And with such we end up here, talking a bunch of nonsense and looking at nudey pictures. Sounds like an all right deal to me, no?
Heh, yeah, I am a pseudo-intellectual. I know shitcakes about anything I'm talking about. :-P