LINKAGE. There's also new pics. If you're looking for my shamefully narccisisstic and slightly creepy list o' 20, it's back a few entries.
For all your Ia Ia needs... It's cool this exists. I hear their B&W movie of Call is pretty sweet, too. So I'ma do somethin' 'bout that.
OPTICAL! Of the illusion variety. Close it says one thing, far away, quite something else. Mildly humorous.
This man makes many good points. This is kind of interesting from my angle as a game designer, as are MANY things mentioned about the videogame industry. It strikes me that Nintendo is the only company following this vision. And that I need to recommit myself to being a savant of the wyrd.
He also did this, which is interesting from the anthropological angle, as a society constructs and deconstructs its motives and morals.
Vintage Unknowns! This is made from undeveloped photos found in old cameras. So it's pretty gnarly that the original photographers never saw them. Which means that they are living history -- artefacts which recorded a moment that has forever past, that has been long forgotten and discarded. People thought these were important moments -- poses with friends and family, vast landscapes...moments worthy of being preserved but, for some reason, which were quiescent until today. So it's seeing the past in a violent assaut on the present, through this temporary and vaporous medium...awesome.
This flickr set is also sweet. Because scenes of old school destruction are
Glad I'm not the only one who does this...Not that my exploits have footage documenting them. Asians aren't weird, man, it's the PEOPLE.
I want this guy's pants and wig. He can keep the shirt, but only because I'd feel bad robbing a man of ALL his clothes.
This is most useful if you can understand Japanese, but if you can't, just think of the idea of a Hello Kitty wedding and be in awe.
I think it would be hell of sweet, but I'm in love with unorthodoxy. For the record, I also think big cathedralesque kind of wedding would be sweet, too. Just none of those suburban sprawl churches with their whole idea to make everyone seem more like a COMMUNITY or some crap. That's not the church I grew up with!
Speaking of the Japanese, We will all someday be their puppets This is creepy. Seriously. This wierds me out more than chimeric animals and genetic manipulation ever could.
This relates to last week. When I described the inherent beauty of human society. This is part of that. Most people are entirely negative when they think of how much our society wastes. I can't help but think that these wastes will fuel the future. It's not about waste and landfill, it's about documetnation and leaving our mark. It's about a sort of immortality in our refuse, something we can never gain in life.
This quick little thing amuses me. It's the Shaft theme in Olde English. Which is hilarious. Verily!
Play This Game. It has the surreal experience of making you see the world in patterns. As a designer, this is an itneresting pyshcological effect -- the patterns and underlying structure to the world may become evident, resulting in a certain kind of revelation...or self-delusion.
Orreys are sweet. I mean, come on, just LOOK at them. And all the effort and mathemtics that go into them are something pretty beautiful. Harmony of the spheres, bitches!
And let's end on the same note we began: With tentacles. I won't get a chance to go to this, but I'd totally love to.
Now back to my paper on Suicide and Martyrdom. I get to interview a man from Hamas and research burning buddhists. Aaaaaaaah, I love my schoolwork.
For all your Ia Ia needs... It's cool this exists. I hear their B&W movie of Call is pretty sweet, too. So I'ma do somethin' 'bout that.
OPTICAL! Of the illusion variety. Close it says one thing, far away, quite something else. Mildly humorous.
This man makes many good points. This is kind of interesting from my angle as a game designer, as are MANY things mentioned about the videogame industry. It strikes me that Nintendo is the only company following this vision. And that I need to recommit myself to being a savant of the wyrd.
He also did this, which is interesting from the anthropological angle, as a society constructs and deconstructs its motives and morals.
Vintage Unknowns! This is made from undeveloped photos found in old cameras. So it's pretty gnarly that the original photographers never saw them. Which means that they are living history -- artefacts which recorded a moment that has forever past, that has been long forgotten and discarded. People thought these were important moments -- poses with friends and family, vast landscapes...moments worthy of being preserved but, for some reason, which were quiescent until today. So it's seeing the past in a violent assaut on the present, through this temporary and vaporous medium...awesome.
This flickr set is also sweet. Because scenes of old school destruction are
Glad I'm not the only one who does this...Not that my exploits have footage documenting them. Asians aren't weird, man, it's the PEOPLE.
I want this guy's pants and wig. He can keep the shirt, but only because I'd feel bad robbing a man of ALL his clothes.
This is most useful if you can understand Japanese, but if you can't, just think of the idea of a Hello Kitty wedding and be in awe.

Speaking of the Japanese, We will all someday be their puppets This is creepy. Seriously. This wierds me out more than chimeric animals and genetic manipulation ever could.
This relates to last week. When I described the inherent beauty of human society. This is part of that. Most people are entirely negative when they think of how much our society wastes. I can't help but think that these wastes will fuel the future. It's not about waste and landfill, it's about documetnation and leaving our mark. It's about a sort of immortality in our refuse, something we can never gain in life.
This quick little thing amuses me. It's the Shaft theme in Olde English. Which is hilarious. Verily!
Play This Game. It has the surreal experience of making you see the world in patterns. As a designer, this is an itneresting pyshcological effect -- the patterns and underlying structure to the world may become evident, resulting in a certain kind of revelation...or self-delusion.
Orreys are sweet. I mean, come on, just LOOK at them. And all the effort and mathemtics that go into them are something pretty beautiful. Harmony of the spheres, bitches!
And let's end on the same note we began: With tentacles. I won't get a chance to go to this, but I'd totally love to.
Now back to my paper on Suicide and Martyrdom. I get to interview a man from Hamas and research burning buddhists. Aaaaaaaah, I love my schoolwork.