Oh holy crap, life's been wierd and sleepless the last few days. I'm sloppy and crazy and I don't know who I'll volleyball spike.
I feel like the wheels are spinning.
Anyway, I just watched Road to El Dorado and Mean Girls instead of playing D&D last night. Because 1 person was absent, 3 people were tired and loopy, and the other is Christina, who is loopy, period. But in that half-adorable kind of way.
Opinions? Road is surprisingly witty at points, but the problems with the movie are glaring. If you're going to see one comic animated movie about the Maya, I'd say watch it. Because as far as I know, it's the only one. But it's not good cinema. Don't do it without something mind-altering.
Which brings up a point of order: The Maya are fuggin' sweet. It's hard for Dreamworks to capture that when they're too busy gaying up the place, yet it still manages to shine through every once in a while.They're one of my favorite Ancient Civilizations, and I can't help but think about what the world would be like had Europe never developed ships that conconquer the Atlantic and given the gift of plague-blankets unto them. The art, the tech, the religion, the public works, the dynasties, the warlords...it's the Old West plus Ancient Greece with a little bit of India tossed in for fun and profit.
Fuck Yes. My AIM name comes from the warlord that first united the Maya into an empire, because I admire a man who basically sets out to avenge his father's death and manages to overthrow an oppressive theocracy and take power for himself. And then throws a bitchin' rock concert, I bet. With all those drugs, with all that blood and sex and sweat....yeah, I bet the Maya were rockstars back before the Spanish did their whole plunder/pillage/murder/rape/burn kind of Mission from God.
Hot damn, I'm a verbose sunvabitch.
Mean Girls? Dude, I'll almost never pass up an opportunity to see Lacey as the heriess to a strudel fortune.
I have a Guy Gavriel Kay book on me: Sailing to Sarantium. In the first scentence he claims an indebtedness ot WB Yeats, which makes me think of good things, because Yeats was the perfect kind of crazy. Seriously, in my personal Divine Comedy, Yeats would probably serve as my guide for a while. Or at least be in that marble hall in Limbo, where everyone is put who had no chance to know God.
Say what you will abuot Dante's punishment system, it was fair.....
Today I will spend the day zoning out and watching some Sunday Pants. The show is crazy genius, but I'm a bit of a animophile, so watching a bear glide into a field of cactus does amuse me in that kind of nostalgic, Road Runner kind of way. And Oogloo + Anju is crazy retro 1920's neato.
Anyway, I gots pictures. Consider it a gift on my birthday to y'all. My birthday isn't 'till Oct 31st....which is OF INTEREST. Which relates in a wierd way to me taking down the LJ link and putting up a wishlist. I needed ot keep track of everything I would have to buy myself, eventually. The pics include me and 3/4ths of my D&D group, kinda, and a puppy. Enjoy.
I feel like the wheels are spinning.
Anyway, I just watched Road to El Dorado and Mean Girls instead of playing D&D last night. Because 1 person was absent, 3 people were tired and loopy, and the other is Christina, who is loopy, period. But in that half-adorable kind of way.
Opinions? Road is surprisingly witty at points, but the problems with the movie are glaring. If you're going to see one comic animated movie about the Maya, I'd say watch it. Because as far as I know, it's the only one. But it's not good cinema. Don't do it without something mind-altering.
Which brings up a point of order: The Maya are fuggin' sweet. It's hard for Dreamworks to capture that when they're too busy gaying up the place, yet it still manages to shine through every once in a while.They're one of my favorite Ancient Civilizations, and I can't help but think about what the world would be like had Europe never developed ships that conconquer the Atlantic and given the gift of plague-blankets unto them. The art, the tech, the religion, the public works, the dynasties, the warlords...it's the Old West plus Ancient Greece with a little bit of India tossed in for fun and profit.
Fuck Yes. My AIM name comes from the warlord that first united the Maya into an empire, because I admire a man who basically sets out to avenge his father's death and manages to overthrow an oppressive theocracy and take power for himself. And then throws a bitchin' rock concert, I bet. With all those drugs, with all that blood and sex and sweat....yeah, I bet the Maya were rockstars back before the Spanish did their whole plunder/pillage/murder/rape/burn kind of Mission from God.
Hot damn, I'm a verbose sunvabitch.
Mean Girls? Dude, I'll almost never pass up an opportunity to see Lacey as the heriess to a strudel fortune.
I have a Guy Gavriel Kay book on me: Sailing to Sarantium. In the first scentence he claims an indebtedness ot WB Yeats, which makes me think of good things, because Yeats was the perfect kind of crazy. Seriously, in my personal Divine Comedy, Yeats would probably serve as my guide for a while. Or at least be in that marble hall in Limbo, where everyone is put who had no chance to know God.
Say what you will abuot Dante's punishment system, it was fair.....

Today I will spend the day zoning out and watching some Sunday Pants. The show is crazy genius, but I'm a bit of a animophile, so watching a bear glide into a field of cactus does amuse me in that kind of nostalgic, Road Runner kind of way. And Oogloo + Anju is crazy retro 1920's neato.
Anyway, I gots pictures. Consider it a gift on my birthday to y'all. My birthday isn't 'till Oct 31st....which is OF INTEREST. Which relates in a wierd way to me taking down the LJ link and putting up a wishlist. I needed ot keep track of everything I would have to buy myself, eventually. The pics include me and 3/4ths of my D&D group, kinda, and a puppy. Enjoy.

Go write your own list of 20 things!