Okay, here's the set-up.

A crime has been committed. Something horrible -- too horrible beyond merely mortal matters. You've raised an army of undead, you've burned schoolchildren alive, you've sold your family into slavery, you've murdered those you were supposed to protect...

They call in Angels to testify. Glittering beings of infinite justice sit in tribunal on the horrors that you've done. And with the...
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You need to explain to me what a "congoblin" is. I have my guesses, but... yeah, it's a new one. confused
Awesome post in the rape thread. smile
It kind of astonishes me how many times this party has to climb over mounds of writhing corpses...
All my parties are the mounds of writhing corpses. And they'll damn well like it or I'll do worse to 'em!
Oh, and to answer your question:

I am a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a colorful candy shell.

...either that or a sad and sleepless student who needs to spend more time studying and less goofing off on the Internet. Take your pick.
First, let me just nerd out and say that I am designing a D&D/Final Fantasy hybrid gaming system that allows you to play Final Fantasy style games at the tabletop. I know some others that exist out there (most notably, the Returners'), but I will do it better. Promise. wink

Now, onto nerding out in a slightly different way.

What follows is a wordy cultural anthro...
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Very well written and thought out dude. I agree on very many of the points, particularly the finding of like-minded individuals and the interactions that are resultant there of.

Good show.
A lot of interesting points here. Thanks for writing them all out.

I guess my question is, do videos necessarily fall into either of your categories (anonymous vs. connective)? It is, essentially, a fixed performance. Of course you can write to the model afterward and interact that way, but it doesn't change the recorded performance on the video. Contrast that to, say, an interactive cam performance, where you can talk to the performer and see the changes in real time.

...I had a point but then I went off and did some readings and now I can't recall what it was. Bugger. Anyway, nice entry. wink
Y'ever have one of those days where you just fuck up everything you touch? Yeah. Riding this wave of ass bites me. Gotta find something amusing, and fast, before I get all emo-y all over the place.
Being emo-y is amusing! For other people, at least.

I have not read that book. I did skim the excerpt on the link that you sent me. It's an interesting argument and, like most interesting arguments, I think there's a lot of truth to it, although I can also see several instances where it wouldn't apply. I would tweak the author's hypothesis a little to say that censorship makes people curious about things, and since vices by their nature appeal to people's baser instincts, often people who try them will like them. But if you try to stretch it too far beyond that (and, having not read the book, I don't know how far this guy goes), it seems to me that the argument would snap.
The Dapper dans smooth creamy voices make me want to touch myself. Tis the need for redemption and prayer.

xox me
Surgery Day! OH BOYS!

I am on drugs and trussed up and throbbing. Thankfully I am an iconic example of a man in his physical prime, so my only injuries are cosmetic ones, resulting from wrestling crocodiles, taming lions, and the like. Mate.

Today was also a day for being hit on. A lot.

I obviously underestimate my pimp juice on a regular basis. I...
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Perhaps it is that we are just incapable of understanding the complexities and intricacies of the celebrity mind? As such, E! entertainment, and channels/shows similar to it, exist to give us insight into so cerebral a creature as Lindsay Lohan, and Brittney Spears and the like, so that we may also someday become enlightened.
Don't be on the market. You never want to be on the market. That's when all the bargain-hunting weirdos come out of the woodwork.

It's much better to just take fun as it comes, because as soon as you start looking it'll vanish.
The Decemberists own my soul...

Mad Scientist's Log, Stardate 9227
I have done it! They laughed at me! They said it was impossible! They mocked me and chided me and ran me out of town with pointy sticks that sometimes were on fire. But I have proven them all wrong! Today, I stand triumphant atop an impassable Everest of you-shouldn't-play-God-s, and I laugh at...
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Your emoticon looks like an alien hiding behind an ice cream cone. tongue
Yeah, I hear what you're saying. But generally intelligent discourse is about the only way to defeat this sort of person.

Seriously, ask any one of them what reasons they have for hating anyone and most of them will rehash some programmed litany, or repeat something they've supposedly heard, seen, read, etc. But very few have any genuine gripes.

So an intelligent response has the effect of spotlighting the individual within some societal mob mentality, forcing them to evaluate their personal situation and see if there's any real hatred there. Many will decide to just retreat into the safety of their preconceptions, but some will have the courage to try and see through the overly obvious to catch a glimpse of the reality beneath it all.

And with such we end up here, talking a bunch of nonsense and looking at nudey pictures. Sounds like an all right deal to me, no?

Heh, yeah, I am a pseudo-intellectual. I know shitcakes about anything I'm talking about. :-P
and when they find you, odalisque,
they will rend you terribly
stitch from stitch til all
your linen and limbs will fall

Plus, I might only be about 50 pages in, but GGK is rocking pretty hard. A little much of a fan of the presaging, but he gets away with it because it's blantant and obvious that the payoff iwll come, and it's not...
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^^ Look at the crazy person!

Re: holding hair back -- I think they assumed (correctly!) that I would have gargled incoherent curses at them and perhaps attempted to hit them with my handbag. Chivalry may be dead, but common sense survives. To some small extent. Even in DC.
well, the wicked witch is named elphaba in the book "wicked" and personally, Im believing her side of the story over dorothy's haha smile
Can I fuckin' relax now? Sweet King o' the Jews, this is madness...

Anyway, now I'm doin' nothin' for four days. Birthday is Monday. All Hallow's Eve. And I don't quite have enough money to celebrate in style...ah well. Me and GIR will just have to be all bittersweet about it. surreal

I smelled of the smoke of leaves and tobacco -- crisp, dry, dusty and...
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Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! Sorry I missed saying it on time. I suck at life.
LINKAGE. There's also new pics. If you're looking for my shamefully narccisisstic and slightly creepy list o' 20, it's back a few entries.

For all your Ia Ia needs... It's cool this exists. I hear their B&W movie of Call is pretty sweet, too. So I'ma do somethin' 'bout that.

OPTICAL! Of the illusion variety. Close it says one thing, far away, quite something else....
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"If you're a fan of getting into fat girls' pants, Dave Matthews Band CDs are the greatest invention since a ham on a fishing pole." -- Dr. David Thorpe

Thank you, and goodnight.
Okay, I gotta get some links out of my system, then I'll take care of Liante's demands. tongue

This song is running through my head all the time. Tis art!

Badass Gallery of Cityscapes. It's one of the wierd things about me, as a boy from the wild hills of WI: I ADORE the sight of industrial sprawl. I always am amazed when I drive...
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