Sweet Mother of Buddha...I am so sore. I started doing these workouts on my Winter Break back here at home in Seattle. Gawd, they are totally kickin' my butt and dropping my ass flat (well, actually that's not accurate because the sheer volume of squats we do will leave my ass anything but flat
It really feels so good to work out like this, my posture and musculature feel so different in such a good way
But the workouts are totally evil...makes sense since the guys who run the place are Olympic weight lifters and ex-special forces dudes...Crikey!
If you would like to check them out, try CrossFit North You can also check out their parent organization Cross Fit
Yesterday, I went skiing for the first time in ten years and skiing with my Dad for the first time since high school which is even longer...the temperature was 0 F and all of Western Washington was having the most severe snowstorm in more than a decade; it was rad

It really feels so good to work out like this, my posture and musculature feel so different in such a good way

If you would like to check them out, try CrossFit North You can also check out their parent organization Cross Fit
Yesterday, I went skiing for the first time in ten years and skiing with my Dad for the first time since high school which is even longer...the temperature was 0 F and all of Western Washington was having the most severe snowstorm in more than a decade; it was rad

her name is dolly!
That's funny(but not HA HA funny).One of the reasons I took up Aikido was on the recomendation of a friend who thought it would help me stay clean and so far it's worked.I find it's real good for focusing the mind.