As i sit here on lonely saturday night in suburban sydney bored out of my brain. So bored that no matter what i try and do i can't do it for more than 5 mins. When you have nothing to do you tend to think about silly things like "what do i want from this life" "will it get better than this". I know i...
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Dont get on that "its been a year cycle" kick.. the depression almost kills me... where inthe burbs you from? that can be incrdibly depressing also I grew up in Chipping Norton (just out of Liverpool) and it was the most stifling existence ever.. I honestly dont know how I didnt kill myself... and anyway.. .the dali lama said our problem now is we expect too much out of life... gave me great comfort.. now I just go... am I fed? check.. am I clothed? check am I housed? check... makes me feel a whole lot better about things... I hope you feel better soon and welcome to SG!
i wouldn't say i was deppressed just bored, boredom can make you think to much and the more ya think the more you tend to fall into the depressive state. I live out west near blacktown, once my darling sister moves out things will get a whole lot better.