Time for a few pics, first off a few from NYE, seems like you can't go to Club without one having a stripper Pole
My friends Paul and Nancy
I thought I would share this story as I had to have a good chuckle out of it lol.
I gave in my notice to my APT so today I get a call asking if they could show my APT to someone so I said sure, a few hours later they show up and this lady along with the property Manager comes in and Gambit as he normally does is on my counter near the door to greet whoever comes in, well the lady start getting nervous and wouldn't come any further then the front door, she was actually starting to back out of the Apt, I was thinking OK what is wrong the place isn't that bad is it...
It appears that she is afraid of CATS, so I had to pick up gambit and hold him while she looked around the place, she then goes into my bed room and sees Logan laying on my bed and almost had a heart attack.. I had to tell he is more afraid of her then she is of him.. I never have heard of people actually being afraid of cats like how can you be a scared of these 2 little guys

My friends Paul and Nancy

I thought I would share this story as I had to have a good chuckle out of it lol.
I gave in my notice to my APT so today I get a call asking if they could show my APT to someone so I said sure, a few hours later they show up and this lady along with the property Manager comes in and Gambit as he normally does is on my counter near the door to greet whoever comes in, well the lady start getting nervous and wouldn't come any further then the front door, she was actually starting to back out of the Apt, I was thinking OK what is wrong the place isn't that bad is it...
It appears that she is afraid of CATS, so I had to pick up gambit and hold him while she looked around the place, she then goes into my bed room and sees Logan laying on my bed and almost had a heart attack.. I had to tell he is more afraid of her then she is of him.. I never have heard of people actually being afraid of cats like how can you be a scared of these 2 little guys

It was good to see you again today - all of us should do that again another time.
Who would be scared of those two little guys? They look like the sweetest cats EVER!