Well the surgery on my mom went well, the doctor said they got all the cancer, took about 42 centimetres out of her bowel not sure how big that is but it sounds like a lot.. She is doing surprising well at least when I saw her yesterday..
She isn't doing too good today, guess all the meds are starting to ware off and she is only on morphine now, so feeling a little tired but guess that is to be expected.. I believe the doctor will be around either today or tomorrow to give us a update, and what is in store for her next, but by all accounts it was a total success so good news all around..
In other news, I took this comet session at work it is like a training seminar for team leaders and managers on how to give proper and entertaining presentations.. So next Thursday is the 3rd and last installment, I have to prepare a presentation complete with Power Point presentation, and then they will video tape me on Thursday.. I have to do at least 10 minutes, not really nervous about standing up there but now I have to figure out what the heck I am going to present on and get all this ready to submit by Wednesday, kinda wishing I didn't sign up to this cuz now I have to find time to get all this together argh..
In other news I had to terminate the contract on Friday of the girl that worked for me, she was nice and all but she seemed dis interested and bored in my department, no initiative there at all, so I had to do what I had to do.. The department isn't for everyone, it is more a entry level data entry position, a lot of the work is manual, boring and tedious, but it has to be done.. It is a good place to start though as you do get experience dealing with the products and services we sell, as well as dealing with our customers and most of our internal departments, so it is a good learning place, most of the people that have worked there got valuable experience and then as other opportunities opened up in other departments they applied and moved on..
She took the news well and kinda expected it, she did say she did like working for me and I treated her well and was nice to her, but still it isn't something I like doing but really had no choice I need a real go getter and she just wasn't it so I wish her well..
I am confident I will get approval to back fill the position and replace with a Perm. Full Time, and my boss said I may get to have 2 positions filled so I am keeping my fingers crossed
In other news Animal Planet has a free preview on this weekend yay, I am watching this program of these guys filming in the African jungle when they came upon some Giraffs, and well there is this male giraff sniffing behind this female one while she is taking a pee, then he proceed to take some pee is in his mouth and swrishes it around like a wine connoisseur he apparently does this to find out if she is ripe for mating and if he likes the taste of her pee he will follow her around till the time is right to commence mating mmm I think I will just stick to buying her a drink lol
Well that is all the news I have, all is good, I am happy and thank you to everyone who sent well wishes on my mother it was appreciated..
Well take care and talk to everyone laters
She isn't doing too good today, guess all the meds are starting to ware off and she is only on morphine now, so feeling a little tired but guess that is to be expected.. I believe the doctor will be around either today or tomorrow to give us a update, and what is in store for her next, but by all accounts it was a total success so good news all around..
In other news, I took this comet session at work it is like a training seminar for team leaders and managers on how to give proper and entertaining presentations.. So next Thursday is the 3rd and last installment, I have to prepare a presentation complete with Power Point presentation, and then they will video tape me on Thursday.. I have to do at least 10 minutes, not really nervous about standing up there but now I have to figure out what the heck I am going to present on and get all this ready to submit by Wednesday, kinda wishing I didn't sign up to this cuz now I have to find time to get all this together argh..
In other news I had to terminate the contract on Friday of the girl that worked for me, she was nice and all but she seemed dis interested and bored in my department, no initiative there at all, so I had to do what I had to do.. The department isn't for everyone, it is more a entry level data entry position, a lot of the work is manual, boring and tedious, but it has to be done.. It is a good place to start though as you do get experience dealing with the products and services we sell, as well as dealing with our customers and most of our internal departments, so it is a good learning place, most of the people that have worked there got valuable experience and then as other opportunities opened up in other departments they applied and moved on..
She took the news well and kinda expected it, she did say she did like working for me and I treated her well and was nice to her, but still it isn't something I like doing but really had no choice I need a real go getter and she just wasn't it so I wish her well..
I am confident I will get approval to back fill the position and replace with a Perm. Full Time, and my boss said I may get to have 2 positions filled so I am keeping my fingers crossed
In other news Animal Planet has a free preview on this weekend yay, I am watching this program of these guys filming in the African jungle when they came upon some Giraffs, and well there is this male giraff sniffing behind this female one while she is taking a pee, then he proceed to take some pee is in his mouth and swrishes it around like a wine connoisseur he apparently does this to find out if she is ripe for mating and if he likes the taste of her pee he will follow her around till the time is right to commence mating mmm I think I will just stick to buying her a drink lol
Well that is all the news I have, all is good, I am happy and thank you to everyone who sent well wishes on my mother it was appreciated..
Well take care and talk to everyone laters
and ps - yay for free previews.