You know what's awesome? Being drunk and not giving a fuck season is upon us. I will sit at work with one screen with work and another with baseball. It will be awesome. Ortizzle is nothing without Manny, keep that in mind.
I have recently noticed that my spare time is even more precious than ever before. With work, health, gym, sanity, and Subrosa all pulling at my time strings, something has to give. I don't know what though. I mean, wtf, only 24 hours in a day right?
Take your hatred out on me,
Make your victim my head.
You never ever believed in me,
I am your tourniquet. season is upon us. I will sit at work with one screen with work and another with baseball. It will be awesome. Ortizzle is nothing without Manny, keep that in mind.

I have recently noticed that my spare time is even more precious than ever before. With work, health, gym, sanity, and Subrosa all pulling at my time strings, something has to give. I don't know what though. I mean, wtf, only 24 hours in a day right?
Take your hatred out on me,
Make your victim my head.
You never ever believed in me,
I am your tourniquet.
You were the one who kept ordering more rounds last night.
My head hurts.