Nothing Much to Say
More responsibility at work = cool but stressful. Gym = draining physically, draining in a time sense but will pay off. 18 days down 190 more to go by the way. Slacker ass Subrosa finally has a job sorta which is good. I'm finally starting to get into a rhythm in terms of my daily routine which is awesome.
Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about this Super Bowl? Seriously, my testicles demand me to watch it but I won't be interested in any of the action.
Oh and it's about fucking time, The Dreaming might actually put out their album. Hearing some of the cuts of it make me happy. I can't wait for the show on the 9th.
Freakin bass guitar is developing a callus on my index finger which is good, I still suck at it and have a long way to go, but it makes me happy
My brother is officially 20 years old and it freaks me out. I miss the little guy. Enough rambling....for now.
I need you in my life again
and it's driving me insane.
I need you in my life again
like a bullet in my brain
Don't take these lyrics too seriously. Sometimes (most of the time) they have moderate meaning to my life and journal, but sometimes they're just what I'm listening to at the moment. And yes, people have asked before. And no, I'm not that emo, despite what you may think
More responsibility at work = cool but stressful. Gym = draining physically, draining in a time sense but will pay off. 18 days down 190 more to go by the way. Slacker ass Subrosa finally has a job sorta which is good. I'm finally starting to get into a rhythm in terms of my daily routine which is awesome.
Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about this Super Bowl? Seriously, my testicles demand me to watch it but I won't be interested in any of the action.
Oh and it's about fucking time, The Dreaming might actually put out their album. Hearing some of the cuts of it make me happy. I can't wait for the show on the 9th.

Freakin bass guitar is developing a callus on my index finger which is good, I still suck at it and have a long way to go, but it makes me happy

My brother is officially 20 years old and it freaks me out. I miss the little guy. Enough rambling....for now.
I need you in my life again
and it's driving me insane.
I need you in my life again
like a bullet in my brain
Don't take these lyrics too seriously. Sometimes (most of the time) they have moderate meaning to my life and journal, but sometimes they're just what I'm listening to at the moment. And yes, people have asked before. And no, I'm not that emo, despite what you may think

p.s. thanks for the beer. (beers? can't remember)
yes I really am from hungary. I swear. I can talk sexy hungarian language to you. ok so it's really not that sexy, but whatevs.
anyway, I can't believe you're trying to downplay going to MIT. that is fucking awesome, and also really intimidating. that means you're beyond smart.
p.s. I'm going to watch the red sox play july 3rd. eat that!