RIP Austin Traditions
WTF. Ok, I won't blame Californians this time. But, I am sick of people who move into a place and disregard the local customs, traditions and environment and try to bend their surroundings to them instead of vice versa. Now it may be the case that the large majority of these type of people are rich and come from California, but I won't make any sweeping generalizations.
But seriously, the drag, isn't the fucking drag anymore. It has a fucking jamba juice and urban outfitters in it. What the fuck?!?! At least Einstein's is still there. Mangia moved to a fucking business park type place. The lights on 37th St. sucked this year. That tradition is on it's way out. As soon as Taco Xpress and Planet K go, the Austin I knew will basically be gone.

Misc. Crap
So, I had my first date since I've moved out here if you really wanna call it that. It was more like 2 people of opposite sex going out drinking. It was fun, I had forgotten what that was like really. Sad truth that is. It had been far too long.
I got a web cam for I gotta figure out something to do with if only I can find some manatees.
Should start up the stand up again soon. Oh, and I need something to do for New Year's Eve. My ex who hated me for years talked to me again for the 3rd or 4th time this year, weird. Maybe she's realized she fucked up.
Not much else to say, hope everyone had a decent and relaxing vacation, I know I did.
Is your life so much better now
Or do those same old demons haunt your sleep
WTF. Ok, I won't blame Californians this time. But, I am sick of people who move into a place and disregard the local customs, traditions and environment and try to bend their surroundings to them instead of vice versa. Now it may be the case that the large majority of these type of people are rich and come from California, but I won't make any sweeping generalizations.
But seriously, the drag, isn't the fucking drag anymore. It has a fucking jamba juice and urban outfitters in it. What the fuck?!?! At least Einstein's is still there. Mangia moved to a fucking business park type place. The lights on 37th St. sucked this year. That tradition is on it's way out. As soon as Taco Xpress and Planet K go, the Austin I knew will basically be gone.

Misc. Crap
So, I had my first date since I've moved out here if you really wanna call it that. It was more like 2 people of opposite sex going out drinking. It was fun, I had forgotten what that was like really. Sad truth that is. It had been far too long.
I got a web cam for I gotta figure out something to do with if only I can find some manatees.
Should start up the stand up again soon. Oh, and I need something to do for New Year's Eve. My ex who hated me for years talked to me again for the 3rd or 4th time this year, weird. Maybe she's realized she fucked up.
Not much else to say, hope everyone had a decent and relaxing vacation, I know I did.
Is your life so much better now
Or do those same old demons haunt your sleep
I think as long as Hole in the Wall is there, we are safe.
Mr. Jonathan and Clinton Woods-Wolk.