You know what? Fuck Zeitgeist. Fuck them with a hard rubber dildo. That place will not get a penny more from me or anyone that I can directly influence. Fuck em.
So...a friend of mine is visiting from out of town and we swing by there last night. We have a strange drink that we like that involves red bull, tequila, gin, some sort of hard cider and cranberry juice (don't judge me! it's actually good). So, I roll up to the bar and I attempt to order the drink. No red bull or any sort of energy drink. Damn. I send my friend ACROSS THE STREET to go grab some red bull. Last call. I go to order the drink sans red bull. "No, that's a stupid drink I'm not going to make it." I understand that that is the bartenders' thing there to be sort of assholes, but fuck that. It's not complicated.
Call the friend, ixne on the edbullre. He walks back from ACROSS THE FUCKING STREET. It's 1:40 AM maybe. Last call just went by but the bar is still open until 2. Bouncer at the door doesn't let my friend in who had just left to go across the street. "What don't you fucking understand, the bar is closed" Actually, no, the bar is open for another 20 minutes and he was just fucking in the bar. "I didn't see you walk out" Then open your fucking eyes next time.
Friend doesn't get back in, I didn't get my drink, so I walk out. Fuck it, we're leaving. Then a large collection of sorta chubby, raised in suburbia dudes were outside the bar, presumably waiting for someone. "You can't talk like that to him, he's our friend (the bouncer guy)" Who the fuck are you and why the fuck are you in this conversation? My friend isn't very good at not escalating things. Eventually tiny douche bag shoves my friend and before my friend even does anything or even looks like he's going to do anything, there are 5 people holding him back. "You're out of your element." "This is our neighborhood." Hahah, shut the fuck up Donnie...and your neighborhood? Um...have you looked around recently....yeah. If it wasn't 2 v 10, we might have started something (but probably wouldn't have).
So, not even making a drink that I ordered (as well as a condescending comment) and not letting my friend in who had literally not left the bar more than 2 minutes before. The almost fight isn't really the bar's fault...but still, fuck it. I'd rather spend my money somewhere less crowded and with friendlier staff and that has red bull.
This week in stand up
I'll probably be hitting up an open mic on Tuesday, November 14 at Canvas Cafe (9th Ave and Lincoln)....come out and see me
Starts at 7:30...not sure when I'll go on.
So..Saturday November 18 is my "graduation show" for this stand up class I've been taking. I want to say it's at 6PM, BYOB, might cost a few dollars. It's a really fucking good show with a lot of funny people. Help support local comics!
414 Mason St. #705
And as for the Texas game....I don't want to talk about it.
Fuck you
I won't do what you tell me
You know what? Fuck Zeitgeist. Fuck them with a hard rubber dildo. That place will not get a penny more from me or anyone that I can directly influence. Fuck em.
So...a friend of mine is visiting from out of town and we swing by there last night. We have a strange drink that we like that involves red bull, tequila, gin, some sort of hard cider and cranberry juice (don't judge me! it's actually good). So, I roll up to the bar and I attempt to order the drink. No red bull or any sort of energy drink. Damn. I send my friend ACROSS THE STREET to go grab some red bull. Last call. I go to order the drink sans red bull. "No, that's a stupid drink I'm not going to make it." I understand that that is the bartenders' thing there to be sort of assholes, but fuck that. It's not complicated.
Call the friend, ixne on the edbullre. He walks back from ACROSS THE FUCKING STREET. It's 1:40 AM maybe. Last call just went by but the bar is still open until 2. Bouncer at the door doesn't let my friend in who had just left to go across the street. "What don't you fucking understand, the bar is closed" Actually, no, the bar is open for another 20 minutes and he was just fucking in the bar. "I didn't see you walk out" Then open your fucking eyes next time.
Friend doesn't get back in, I didn't get my drink, so I walk out. Fuck it, we're leaving. Then a large collection of sorta chubby, raised in suburbia dudes were outside the bar, presumably waiting for someone. "You can't talk like that to him, he's our friend (the bouncer guy)" Who the fuck are you and why the fuck are you in this conversation? My friend isn't very good at not escalating things. Eventually tiny douche bag shoves my friend and before my friend even does anything or even looks like he's going to do anything, there are 5 people holding him back. "You're out of your element." "This is our neighborhood." Hahah, shut the fuck up Donnie...and your neighborhood? Um...have you looked around recently....yeah. If it wasn't 2 v 10, we might have started something (but probably wouldn't have).
So, not even making a drink that I ordered (as well as a condescending comment) and not letting my friend in who had literally not left the bar more than 2 minutes before. The almost fight isn't really the bar's fault...but still, fuck it. I'd rather spend my money somewhere less crowded and with friendlier staff and that has red bull.
This week in stand up
I'll probably be hitting up an open mic on Tuesday, November 14 at Canvas Cafe (9th Ave and Lincoln)....come out and see me
So..Saturday November 18 is my "graduation show" for this stand up class I've been taking. I want to say it's at 6PM, BYOB, might cost a few dollars. It's a really fucking good show with a lot of funny people. Help support local comics!
414 Mason St. #705
And as for the Texas game....I don't want to talk about it.
Fuck you
I won't do what you tell me
Did you see the photos from halloween? You were so much fun. Cornelius misses you.
have fun tonight!