Been so long since I've updated
Meh, it's been a week or two or 4. Nothing much is really going on. I've decided to go crazy(ier). My current schedule (we'll see how long this lasts) consists of wake up, go to gym at 6:30. Workout. Work. Rollerblade down to Pacbell and back for part of my lunch break. Home. Cardio at the gym. Sleep...maybe.
Yeah, fucking crazy. If I keep this up, holy crap, it'll be awesome. We'll see though, I doubt it.
Soon I will be in a shitty local band
And by soon I mean in the future, but not distant future. So, on the 1st of June, Subrosa and I went down to Guitar Center and with his help, I purchased a bass guitar and a shitty little practice amp. I've never touched a guitar before, so everthing is absolutely foreign and new to me.
I "practice" about an hour a day or until my hand gets tired. My goals for myself are to learn (and by learn I mean, play all the way through without missing a note, some minor fuck ups and errors are allowed) Save Yourself by Stabbing Westward and Closer and The Hand That Feeds by Nine Inch Nails. All 3 by the end of the month which is rapdily approaching.
I've got Save Yourself down, the main riff for THTF down and the non-main riffs (that's the term right?) of Closer down. Just need to work a little more on the speed and then just the endurance for keeping it up and not fucking up at all during the songs. It's kinda fun to play along with your mp3s.
Concerts and more concerts and Vegas
So, I went down to the LA area again this past weekend to catch The Dreaming and some baseball. I snapped some videos which are up on the band's blog. I wish the audio quality on my digital camera was better
They're playing another concert in Vegas on the 7th of July and I'm meeting a friend of mine from Boston there. I don't really need an excuse to have a weekend of gambling, LOTS of alcohol and an awesome concert do I? Didn't think so. Should be lots of fun, I'm totally counting down the days already.
That fucking m word
Fucking marriage. I would rant forever about it here, but this journal is long enough. My best friend back home is getting married. I'm in the wedding; it scares me. I'm happy for him if he's happy, just fuck, marriage? Already? Shit......
And my dad is getting remaried too. I am going to be the better person and go to it since it will make him happy but I am really conflicted about it. He's basically dead to me. I treat him no differently than I would a random acquaintance. So, if my presence makes him happy, great, I'll go if I don't have to pay anything. He missed his chance to be part of my life and vice versa a long time ago. (I got some father issues ok?)
P.S. If any of you have you tube accounts and want to see my one recorded stand up, drop me your username and I can share it. It's not that great, it's be after a month or 2 of classes and only a few minutes. Don't expect too much. It's like if you got up and did 5 mintues of standup right now, just funnier.
P.P.S. My goal to lose 10-20 pounds by June was a success. Weight lost: 14 pounds, w00t.
Mood: Confused about some things, pretty happy about others
You're nothing
You're no one
You're dead to me.
I don't fucking need you any more
You are dead to me.
You're nothing
You're no one
You are dead.
The Dreaming - Dead to Me
I'm really not that angry of a person, I swear
Meh, it's been a week or two or 4. Nothing much is really going on. I've decided to go crazy(ier). My current schedule (we'll see how long this lasts) consists of wake up, go to gym at 6:30. Workout. Work. Rollerblade down to Pacbell and back for part of my lunch break. Home. Cardio at the gym. Sleep...maybe.
Yeah, fucking crazy. If I keep this up, holy crap, it'll be awesome. We'll see though, I doubt it.
Soon I will be in a shitty local band
And by soon I mean in the future, but not distant future. So, on the 1st of June, Subrosa and I went down to Guitar Center and with his help, I purchased a bass guitar and a shitty little practice amp. I've never touched a guitar before, so everthing is absolutely foreign and new to me.
I "practice" about an hour a day or until my hand gets tired. My goals for myself are to learn (and by learn I mean, play all the way through without missing a note, some minor fuck ups and errors are allowed) Save Yourself by Stabbing Westward and Closer and The Hand That Feeds by Nine Inch Nails. All 3 by the end of the month which is rapdily approaching.
I've got Save Yourself down, the main riff for THTF down and the non-main riffs (that's the term right?) of Closer down. Just need to work a little more on the speed and then just the endurance for keeping it up and not fucking up at all during the songs. It's kinda fun to play along with your mp3s.
Concerts and more concerts and Vegas
So, I went down to the LA area again this past weekend to catch The Dreaming and some baseball. I snapped some videos which are up on the band's blog. I wish the audio quality on my digital camera was better

They're playing another concert in Vegas on the 7th of July and I'm meeting a friend of mine from Boston there. I don't really need an excuse to have a weekend of gambling, LOTS of alcohol and an awesome concert do I? Didn't think so. Should be lots of fun, I'm totally counting down the days already.
That fucking m word
Fucking marriage. I would rant forever about it here, but this journal is long enough. My best friend back home is getting married. I'm in the wedding; it scares me. I'm happy for him if he's happy, just fuck, marriage? Already? Shit......
And my dad is getting remaried too. I am going to be the better person and go to it since it will make him happy but I am really conflicted about it. He's basically dead to me. I treat him no differently than I would a random acquaintance. So, if my presence makes him happy, great, I'll go if I don't have to pay anything. He missed his chance to be part of my life and vice versa a long time ago. (I got some father issues ok?)
P.S. If any of you have you tube accounts and want to see my one recorded stand up, drop me your username and I can share it. It's not that great, it's be after a month or 2 of classes and only a few minutes. Don't expect too much. It's like if you got up and did 5 mintues of standup right now, just funnier.
P.P.S. My goal to lose 10-20 pounds by June was a success. Weight lost: 14 pounds, w00t.
Mood: Confused about some things, pretty happy about others
You're nothing
You're no one
You're dead to me.
I don't fucking need you any more
You are dead to me.
You're nothing
You're no one
You are dead.
The Dreaming - Dead to Me
I'm really not that angry of a person, I swear