Things I like
1. Sorry for the lack of updates folks but no one reads this since my last update, my life has been filled with mainly a lot of stuff I like. First, one of my best friends came and visited me from Boston for 2 days (after his trip to Vegas). We got shit faced then drove all down the coast (the next day obviously) and just went on an adventure in the convertible Mustang with the top down. If it was 10 degrees warmer the top down would have been awesome, but as is, I froze my ass off. A fun day, we always have fun adventures where we just go places with no map, no direction, just go because we can. It was a good mid week break from work.
2. Dude, where's my couch? Oh right, it's in the fucking living room. That's right bitches, we got a fucking couch!! wooo!!!! Now a coffee table, a TV, a microwave, and a dining room table (optional) and it'll be like we live here.
3. I just got back from the gym, burned 500+ calories on the ghey elliptical thing (better for my ankles than the treadmill but I agree less hardcore of a workout) in 45 minutes. On average, I burn roughly 400 calories every time I go to the gym + lifting so yeah good stuff.
4. I kinda like growing my hair out. It's in an intermediate going from short to long stage. It makes me look more crazy at concerts.
5. I saw The Dreaming again last week and yeah I was front and center. I was so close I threw off the lead singer a bit. But I think it's cool that now all of the band members know me by name and not just for a night after I introduce myself, like from a distance at the beginning of the night. I like this because that means that when they make it big (probably in under a year) I won't be just another douche wearing their t-shirt, I'll be their friend and ultimate groupy
With the good comes the bad
Why won't it stop raining. STOP IT ALREADY. Send some to Texas, they need it there, my home state is drying up and it rained 25/31 days last month here. Arg driving me crazy!!!!!
The place is good but the neighbors suck. Yes the walls are too thin but don't play Tejano at 8 AM and teach your fucking kids to behave and not run around everywhere screaming at the top of their lungs. God dammit fuck you all; reminds me of my family way too much. If it was just me and the 'brosa kicking it in the building, well then the place would be fabulous.
Current weight: 207 lbs
Difference from previous journal -3 lbs (~-1.5 lbs/week)
Difference since the beginning -3 lbs
Not bad for pretty much taking a week off from the gym and drinking heavily for 2 days. I would say once I get to a normal schedule I'll burn 2-3 pounds a week which will get me to my goal. I just gotta keep it up.
Mood: Self reliant and happy
You make this all go away,
you make this all go away.
I just want something,
I just want something
I can never have
Nine Inch Nails - Something I Can Never Have
1. Sorry for the lack of updates folks but no one reads this since my last update, my life has been filled with mainly a lot of stuff I like. First, one of my best friends came and visited me from Boston for 2 days (after his trip to Vegas). We got shit faced then drove all down the coast (the next day obviously) and just went on an adventure in the convertible Mustang with the top down. If it was 10 degrees warmer the top down would have been awesome, but as is, I froze my ass off. A fun day, we always have fun adventures where we just go places with no map, no direction, just go because we can. It was a good mid week break from work.
2. Dude, where's my couch? Oh right, it's in the fucking living room. That's right bitches, we got a fucking couch!! wooo!!!! Now a coffee table, a TV, a microwave, and a dining room table (optional) and it'll be like we live here.
3. I just got back from the gym, burned 500+ calories on the ghey elliptical thing (better for my ankles than the treadmill but I agree less hardcore of a workout) in 45 minutes. On average, I burn roughly 400 calories every time I go to the gym + lifting so yeah good stuff.
4. I kinda like growing my hair out. It's in an intermediate going from short to long stage. It makes me look more crazy at concerts.
5. I saw The Dreaming again last week and yeah I was front and center. I was so close I threw off the lead singer a bit. But I think it's cool that now all of the band members know me by name and not just for a night after I introduce myself, like from a distance at the beginning of the night. I like this because that means that when they make it big (probably in under a year) I won't be just another douche wearing their t-shirt, I'll be their friend and ultimate groupy

With the good comes the bad
Why won't it stop raining. STOP IT ALREADY. Send some to Texas, they need it there, my home state is drying up and it rained 25/31 days last month here. Arg driving me crazy!!!!!
The place is good but the neighbors suck. Yes the walls are too thin but don't play Tejano at 8 AM and teach your fucking kids to behave and not run around everywhere screaming at the top of their lungs. God dammit fuck you all; reminds me of my family way too much. If it was just me and the 'brosa kicking it in the building, well then the place would be fabulous.
Current weight: 207 lbs
Difference from previous journal -3 lbs (~-1.5 lbs/week)
Difference since the beginning -3 lbs
Not bad for pretty much taking a week off from the gym and drinking heavily for 2 days. I would say once I get to a normal schedule I'll burn 2-3 pounds a week which will get me to my goal. I just gotta keep it up.
Mood: Self reliant and happy

You make this all go away,
you make this all go away.
I just want something,
I just want something
I can never have
Nine Inch Nails - Something I Can Never Have
that picture makes me very sad. sad jew.
it's okay, i blame clint anyway.