Holy Crap! How did I miss out on the bizare and wonderful experience that is HR Puffnstuff? What the hell were those people on anyways?
Things are settling into their places finally here in Godwoliland.I made tremendous progress in preparing what will be our new bedroom. The stress went off the chart and then blew clear , thank goodness!
There ARE kitties here too! One is a little momma to be, another has an abnormally large head and is quite friendly.
I miss my Lampkin but she's doing good back home.
Oh yeah... I had a dream last night ,two actually, that I can remember. One about some higher purpose of waffles, and in the other i met up with a group of suicide girls and discovered that they were actually space aliens...

Things are settling into their places finally here in Godwoliland.I made tremendous progress in preparing what will be our new bedroom. The stress went off the chart and then blew clear , thank goodness!

There ARE kitties here too! One is a little momma to be, another has an abnormally large head and is quite friendly.

I miss my Lampkin but she's doing good back home.

Oh yeah... I had a dream last night ,two actually, that I can remember. One about some higher purpose of waffles, and in the other i met up with a group of suicide girls and discovered that they were actually space aliens...

On the other hand I have been reading Japanese stories, fact and fiction...
later I'll probably read classics from ancient China, 100-300BC...