It is raining again, but it's quasi-warm in this house and i just finished a good cup of tea and ate truffles.
Siv's new set is simply beautiful, i agree with Morgan completely!
My bedroom when i was little was that same color, i always loved how it looked when the sun shone in.
The cats all came out today and then had to go right back in . All that is, except Lampkin the marauder who is still out wreaking havock on the hillside.
Siv's new set is simply beautiful, i agree with Morgan completely!

The cats all came out today and then had to go right back in . All that is, except Lampkin the marauder who is still out wreaking havock on the hillside.

I saw that you requested me as a friend. I was wondering how you found me or why you wanted to be added to my list? Thanks! 

Cats are awesome except when they get really fat like mine. All he does is sleep, eat (he'll actually run you down if you don't feed him), and roll around in his own fat. Oh yeah I'm feeling much better now and the sun is out today.