Greetingz SG, I have decided to write an actual blog, I have a lot on my mind but I will only put one particular thing here. As you all should know and if you don't you will now. I live here in the United States and I am so pissed at my country. Not only is the economy fucking people left and right, and all the typical issues with our government, lately theres something really burning me...Great Britain. Our mother country, the place that started it all here in the USA many moons ago. As we are all aware, the riots in England are finally simmering but it was quite chaotic and scary for a while and Im sure for some it still is. I want to know why it took nearly 4 or 5 days before I saw it being reported on our major news shows. I also want to know why there is no Red Cross or any government groups asking for donations to help rebuild London etc...It seems really wrong. Is it because its not a natural disaster? Is it because a shooting of a black man is too touchy of a subject to seem to contradict by rebuilding what the rioters and protesters destroyed? What of all the innocent people who got caught in the proverbial crossfire? What about all the historic landmarks etc that have been defaced and ruined? Why doesn't anyone want to help England???
More Blogs
Tuesday Jun 14, 2011
And now the day in review...Not a bad day, made some kick ass sausage… -
Tuesday Jun 14, 2011
Hello there SG, how the hell are ya?? Its a beautiful day here in NJ.… -
Monday Jun 13, 2011
I can not believe how this day has gone..lmao! I mean I started off i… -
Monday Jun 13, 2011
So I've been in a real rut lately, feeling down, throwing pity partie… -
Sunday Jun 12, 2011
Humidity, I hate you. Its a moist one outside today which makes me a … -
Saturday Jun 11, 2011
Hey there. I was planning on blogging a bit earlier but I had a treme… -
Friday Jun 10, 2011
Here I am again, thoughts running rampant in what is supposed to be m… -
Friday Jun 10, 2011
Its always so hard to begin these things, I suppose that's my downfal…
but the good things get missed dont they.