Good evening SG, I hope this evening finds you doing well..and well whatever time of day u may be having. I received the greatest and coolest news today! The one and only TnT..thats right, ThroughnThrough, who will be in MR is 3 more days, will be hanging out with me tomorrow for my birthday debauchery! Super excited. Today has been a decent day, not much went on though. Im actually still kinda tired so I think Ill probably call it a night early for once. Only sucky thing about that is going to bed early brings an earlier awakening..and mornings suck, especially the early ones. No one is around to talk to, nothing on tv but infomercials or news. Nothing is open. Yeah, nothing to do but suck down coffee really. Im thinking I need a hobby, so feel free to suggest some to me. So I suppose Im gonna end this here..I wish you all well. Talk soon!
You lucky devil, getting to hang with TnT
Hope you guys have a great time for your birthday!!

Hey there a little birdie told me that it is your birthday, so I thought that I would wish you a wonderful birthday! I hope it is a great day for you!