Oh boy, what a day its starting off to be, woke up far too early and already caught a nap, or perhaps I went back to bed...either way, I got more sleep and I felt better when I awoke. Once again Im sitting here dealing with more bs from a chick about an asshole dude. This has turned my mood. I started reflecting on past relationships and how they all ended and such. I was reminded about being the "other guy" a few times and how I ended up just wasting time. Something has to give. Im tired of being the shrink. Im tired of being the clown. Im tired of this same old same old. A long time ago I was told happiness is not something you earn or deserve, happiness is a choice. It makes sense to me, however it doesnt stop me from thinking that perhaps I dont deserve it. This doesnt make sense to me, well because I know better. Why is it no matter what role I play, whether its a front or its my genuine self, nothing goes right? Well not so much right, maybe good or well, I dont know. Im in a rut, a funk and I don't see a way out and for the first time I can honestly say Im not looking for one. People ask me to go places with them and they dont seem to understand that being the new person at a place sucks. I feel alienated enough in my familiar areas, where Im known. I don't need to go somewhere, where Ill see chicks and dudes having good times and me, Ill sit there and think, over analyze like always. Its what I do, every day every where. Plus being in a new place will tweak my anxiety and then Ill have that going on too. No, Id rather go to the place I go to and drink my beers and shots and where im 1/4 mile from home, so if Im too fucked up, I can stagger home safely. Perhaps this is the reason I am alone. Theres a portion from a song by Alice Cooper called I Never Cry, I end this blog with that. Have a great day SG.
"Sometimes I drink more than I need.
Til the tv's dead and gone.
I may be lonely but Im never alone
and the night may pass me by,
but Ill never cry"
"Sometimes I drink more than I need.
Til the tv's dead and gone.
I may be lonely but Im never alone
and the night may pass me by,
but Ill never cry"
Hapiness is inside you, is on the way you choose to think, live and act
thanks for commenting on my set oxoxo