Here I am again, thoughts running rampant in what is supposed to be my mind. I am slightly aggravated and yet slightly amused. I was informed today by a friend that I made a man "curious" about me. I was doing my thing on that other site, the book of faces as I call it, and apparently I upset him by "poking" his girlfriend. Really? I don't know maybe Im the stupid one here, but it seems a bit ridiculous to be "curious" about a guy who is "poking". I suppose its the same thing as when I used to get bitched at by people who claimed I was yelling cuz I typed in all caps. This is not yelling..its typing, in caps...really, its harmless. So yeah..poking...never thought much of it..I mean I know the girl, not extremely well...but I thought it was just something to do on the site. I was also informed that this same guy finds it to be disrespectful to call his girl "beautiful" or anything to that tone..apparently its considered hitting on her..I don't know, seems people have too much stress as it is, why add such harmless shit. I ended up messaging the dude to let him know I have no ill intentions with his woman and im not disrespecting him..tho I feel kind of toolish for doing so, I mean, apologizing for "poking"..really??? I suppose I'll end up deleting the chick, I really don't need the drama, especially if its over something so silly, I can only imagine what would occur if I said hi to her. More to come...

I did have to admit... when you first said you "poked" her and he got mad... I was wondering what kind of "poke" it was
Don't sweat it, it'll turn out alright