is it just me, or does "friendship" mean less now that we have a majority of contact in an online world ?
or is it just that it's easier to betray that so called friendship these days, when after the betrayal you may never have to see that person again ?
i ask this not as a theoretical question, but as someone who today has been betrayed by a so called friend, and yet i find out about it online, which means that i now have to reassess other friendships, if for no other reason, than because they didnt have the good sense to let me know that this was happening / happened.
this leads me to one conclusion, that in this day and age it may be better to have nothing but online friendships and as they are easier to end, and certainly less troublesome to maintain.
you'll excuse my being deliberately vague on the details as it's still a little too close for comfort to discuss the details openly.
or is it just that it's easier to betray that so called friendship these days, when after the betrayal you may never have to see that person again ?
i ask this not as a theoretical question, but as someone who today has been betrayed by a so called friend, and yet i find out about it online, which means that i now have to reassess other friendships, if for no other reason, than because they didnt have the good sense to let me know that this was happening / happened.
this leads me to one conclusion, that in this day and age it may be better to have nothing but online friendships and as they are easier to end, and certainly less troublesome to maintain.
you'll excuse my being deliberately vague on the details as it's still a little too close for comfort to discuss the details openly.


the worst is when people who youve known for years stop calling you and delete you friend friends lists simply because you didnt reply to their myspace bulletin about deleting people who dont respond.