I wanted to talk about this last time I posted about music. But that video I posted last time was heavy enough on it's own. Truth be told this song broke me. It's another one from that same artist, Ren.
The first part of the song feels like he's talking about being suicidal. But 'it never really felt like the right time'. The lyrics describe loneliness, feeling like there's something wrong with him, or with the world. The internal struggles that people who have felt that urge have gone through themselves. It resonated, and I felt seen.
But then the second part of the song starts, and you realize he's singing about a friend of his who did commit suicide. That's what broke me. I was almost that friend. I almost caused that sadness and pain in the people I care about. I still tear up after all the times I've listened to it.
But that's the power of music, isn't it? A well made song can carry the emotions of the artist to the listener.
I've said this before, but I'll say it again so I don't worry anyone. I'm not in that place anymore. It doesn't feel like it's my only option anymore. I'm not perfectly fixed, by any far stretch, but I can say least say that.
I hope you get something out of listening to this song. In a very short time, despite not being my usual genre, Ren has quickly become one of my favorite artists.
I guess I just wanted to share that with you.