I wanted to start with a joke, or something clever. But I'm too fucking drained right now.
I've been working on the cover all fucking day. I'm serious about that, a full 8-10 hours maybe? And I'm still not done. I can't get the damn thing to save in the right size. Then I can't get it to save as the right file type. Then parts of the cover miraculously disappear. And no matter what, I can't get the damned thing to look right in the preview. The front cover looks good, but the back is fucked. The back looks better? Will now the spine is wrong. Now everything is too small to fit. Wait, no. Now it's too fucking big.
Those of you who do graphic design... you have all of my respect right now. This is my first foray into the field, and I fucking hate it.
But at least I finished the book description and figuring out what SEO (search engine optimization, if you were wondering) I needed.
Getting overwhelmed again here.