After surviving an alien attack, humanity has moved forward into space. While most of the population has left the Earth behind in search of new worlds, some people stayed behind. Their descendants now must survive in the ruins.
For twenty years, a lone wanderer has been traveling East in search of something he has long ago forgotten. Avoiding people at any cost, the man hasn't spoken to another human being since he was a child. When he finds a working communication device, the woman on the other end becomes his lifeline. He must learn to trust another person as he fights for his life and risks everything to cross the wasteland that lies ahead of him. Can he face the ghosts of his past to find a future?
A solitary woman has been alone her entire life. Isolated from the rest of the world, and unable to leave, she longs for companionship. One day, she hears a voice, and frantically tries to get his attention. She will do everything in her power to try to help the man. She uses surviving technology for his benefit, helps him learn how to face his past, and guides him through meteor storms to try to help him cross the wasteland. But she wonders, will her secret be too much for him to handle?
@WOLFWOOD1203 You have your trusted friends who you gave your book to try out. Ask them that question. The issue of promoting a book is already the work of a specialist. To begin with, you just need to set an age rating and give a general idea of what the reader will find in your story.
@headshot And this is officially all I've been thinking about for the whole day. It would really help if I could get some feedback from people, but that's not always easy to accomplish. Thank you, by the way. This is honestly very helpful.