All freaking day, everyone stays in their own rooms, at their own tvs, etc. So why is it, that the exact moment that I sit down in front of my computer to start writing, is the moment when suddenly these damn people all want to start talking to me. And it's just bullshit, talking for the sake of talking. But I have to sit and listen, and try to respond. This is why I need a proper writing desk in my room. Great, now the little one is getting out her math homework. I hate math homework... I should be a shittier uncle...
More Blogs
Seriously, I need a hype man...
Or hype woman. Or hype person. I'm feeling extra distraught abou… -
I hate social media.
Soooooo.... Turns out shadow bans are a real thing. My posts on thr… -
I don't know what to call this.
You guys are aware that you probably get the most unfiltered versio… -
Self doubt, in action...
Maybe it's time I just gave up. Nothing is changing. No progress. I… -
Okay, but seriously...
What's stopping you from checking out this book? The Ones Left Behi… -
When you grow up, your heart dies.
I was listening to some Gunship when this gem came on. First, I was… -
I need sleep
Well there's a nice surprise right before bed (I know, 6 in the mor… -
I swear I'm not a masochist...
I finally decided to take the advice @headshot gave me, and I got m… -
A Cherished Picture
Thank you @samihain for tagging me in this. I believe it was to sh… -
Any ideas?
Keeping in mind that I'm broke as fuck... Does anyone have any idea…