Man, when did Halloween get so sad? My dad and I got a couple bags of candy, I was listening for the door all night, and not a single trick or treater. I remember when I was a kid there were always loads of us in costumes going around the neighborhood. Tonight, I went out for a smoke, no one had their lights on, no one was out, nothing. I love Halloween, so it's really sad to see it come to this.
Added to that, I can't even get out anywhere tonight because everyone I know who's still in town has kids. I don't drink, so there's no point in going to a bar alone. And there's really nothing else to do. Plus, it means no sexy Halloween costumes for me. That's part of the fun of going out on Halloween now, enjoying all of the costumes! Damn it.
So now, I'm just sitting on my ass watching ghost adventures do a "live" investigation. This sucks.
Anyway, I'll leave you now with a picture of my Pilz-e enjoying his Binx (from Hocus Pocus) pillow.