I think I'm tired of people. I mean, if nothing else, I'm tired of putting effort towards engaging with people and getting little to no response.
Prime example being, family and friends. These are people I've talked to in person. I know, without any room for doubt, that they have their goddamn phones on them at all times. And they're never too busy to immediately answer the fucking things, interrupting the conversation we're having, when they're with me. But when I text them, I don't get a response for hours, sometimes not till the next day. And they always give me the, "sorry, I couldn't answer the phone" line that I know is bullshit.
Same thing's happening online, but at least there you don't know their computer habits. Sometimes you can't get online until the end of your day. That's reasonable. Though I still doubt it's the case.
I don't know what people expect. I'm not talking to you because I want something from you. I'm not working any angles. I just want to fucking talk to someone other than the cat, who's a pretty piss poor listener in his own right...
Whatever. Maybe I'll just let all those relationships die now. I'm tired of doing all the heavy lifting trying to get people to talk to me.