What? You do? Well, shit. I don't have one, I didn't expect you to click on this...
But I do have antibiotic related insomnia. Which, combined with my usual insomnia, has me pretty well fucked. Also, my mouth is still recovering from getting that damned wisdom tooth (Holy shit, cat just walked on my chest, that hurt more than it should have) pulled earlier this week. My recovery is taking longer than expected because the pulled that molar too.
So far no word on the teaching job I applied for. Though it occurs to me that I might not have mentioned applying for one before just now... whatever.
My head's in a weird place right now, I'm just trying to keep from going down that dark road again. So, you get the vaguely coherent ramblings of an insomniac on the verge of another breakdown. But I think it's helping, so, yeah.
Music helps too. Think I'll try to get some sleep now.